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Stress Management and Resiliency Training

MIND-BODY Medicine

A 6-Week Program for Self-Care


This CME program is offered by MassGeneral Hospital for healthcare providers to share evidenced-based mind-body methods with their patients as a treatment for stress reduction and wellness. It included various forms of contemporary 'spirituality' that did not address one's faith. I have added to the program's methods, Judeo-Christian principles and teachings for a Christo-centered spiritual self-care practice based upon the teachings of the Catholic Church.

1. Introduction to Stress and the Relaxation Response: The Fundamentals of Mind-Body Medicine

Introductions to some of the scientific underpinnings of mind-body interactions on neural changes within the ‘top-down’ cerebral cortex and anti-oxidizing cellular mechanism.


1.1 History of Stress

1.2 The Science of Resiliency

1.3 Current Research

1.4 Benefits of Meditation

1.5 *Spirituality & Health Research



2. Mind-Body Self-Care Methods for Stress Management 

Using evidence-based Relaxation Response meditation methods with these Mind-Body Techniques to achieve the Relaxation Response; learn the qualities of each method and what circumstance the different methods are most useful.


2.1 Meditation

2.2 Imagery

2.3 Mindfulness

2.4 Movement Meditations

2.5 Clinical Contemplation

2.6 Empathy

2.7 * Ignatian Spirituality 



3. Building Resiliency through Cognitive Reappraisal and Lifestyle Modification

Stress affects our thinking, emotions, bodies, behavior, and relationships.  Therefore, by changing our attitudes and lifestyle behaviors it enhances our coping and buffers the negative effects of stress.  


Here we establish a foundation of stress awareness, and by an examination of the several Adaptive Strategies to potentially stressful situations. 


Cognitive Reappraisal and Coping Skills – here we recognize the link between thoughts and emotions, and the role they play in the signaling of stress and the adaptive coping response we use. 


These stress-reducing building resiliency Exercises will help you to recognize what core beliefs that keep you in a stress response that make it difficult to cope with stress.



3.1  Building Stress Awareness  & Exercises

Become more aware of your immediate response to stressors that is reflected in negative thoughts, emotions, physical sensation and behaviors.



3.2 Cognitive Reappraisal and Adaptive Beliefs 

Begin to learn how to reframe your response towards positive adaptive thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors.


3.3 Explanatory Style, Root Fears, and Humor -- Cultivating Positive Emotions

These exercises draw on the work done in the field of positive psychology that focuses on the expression of positive emotions and character strengths, which serve to buffer stress and enhance your resiliency.


3.4  Creating Social Connectedness and Creative Expression

Will look at areas of Creative Expression, Humor and Laughter’s role in building awareness and coping with challenges and hardships.

  • Creative Expression, Humor and Laughter’s role in building awareness and coping with challenges and hardships.

  • The 3 social correlated of health: social support, social capital, altruism that needs to be based with the human essential quality of empathy.


3.5  Learn how to effectively apply the 3 most Essential Self-Care Lifestyle Behaviors:

  • Restorative Sleep

  • Aerobic activity

  • Balanced Nutrition



3.6 *Spirituality 



* Indicates Dr. Karen Shields Wright's content added to the SMART program.



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