All is Gift - God is in Every One, Every Place, Every Thing.
Central to Ignatian Spirituality is the realization that God is actively at work, revealed through and encountered in the world in all of creation: people, nature, and in our daily encounters.
Ignatian spirituality is spirituality for everyday life.
It insists that God is present in our world and active in our lives. It is a pathway to deeper prayer, good decisions guided by keen discernment, and to an active life of service for others moving with gratitude, passion, and humility to be a contemplative in action*
Principle & Foundation
That "all of the things in this world are created because of God's love and they become a context of those gifts, presented to us so that we can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily" (taken from the Spiritual Exercises #23 literal translation David Fleming, SJ).
This is the realization of God’s love for all, in all. It is a keen awareness and attentiveness that invites us to see beyond the immediate and to recognize the Divine; and once that Presence is recognized to be moved into action, service, and love. For Ignatius, love always moves a person to serve.
"Finding God in all things is at the core of Ignatian Spirituality and is rooted in our growing awareness that God can found in every one, in every place, and in everything. When we learn to pay more attention to God, we become more thankful and reverent, and through this, we become more devoted to God, more deeply in love with our Creator."**
The Examen is a prayer of reflection and graced awareness of encountering God’s presence and action in our everyday life; to see the day as it was through the eyes of Christ; to discern the Holy Spirit’s leading direction for us; and help us respond to the Father’s loving invitation for repentance, renewal and rejoicing.