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Curriculum Vitae â€‹




Former Position
  • Chiropractic Physician - retired from full-time: 

    • (Spinal Biomechanics, Kinesiology, and Evidence-Based Integrative Wellness) 

  • Hospital Chaplain - Greenwich Hospital Yale New Haven Health

  • Co-Executive Director and National Program Director -








CE:  Ongoing Formation and Research
  • SD Programs of the 'Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality' (MCIS), Fairfield University 2017- present

  • SD Programs of the 'Office for Ignatian Spirituality' (OIS) Eastern Provence - Multiples 2018- to present

  • Specifically Related to the Spiritual Exercises

    • Boston College Theology Dept - Certificate - The Dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises: with Fr. Kevin O'Brien, SJ 2024

    •  OIS- CE - Revisiting Giving the Spiritual Exercises 2023-24 

    • MCIS - Certificate - Practicum in Giving the Spiritual Exercises with Sr. Karen Doyle 2020-2021

    • OIS- CE - The Dynamic of Conversion through the Spiritual Exercises 2020-21

    • OIS - CE - Offering the Spiritual Exercises 19th Annotation with Fr. James Bowler - 2019

  • SD Programs of the 'Institute for Ministry Formation' Fr. Boniface 2023 to present.

  • CME "Interpersonal Neurobiology"  Dr. Dan Siegel Mindsight Institute  - 2022

  • CME "Advances in Mind-Body Medicine"  Thomas Jefferson U. Sidney Kimmel Medical College 

  • CME "Advances in Integrative Nutrition"  Thomas Jefferson U. Sidney Kimmel Medical College

  • SD "Handing on the Fire: Making Spiritual Direction Ignatian" Joseph Tetlow, SJ, Ignatian Spirituality Institute ('21)

  • SD "Teaching of Discernment of Spirits" w. Fr. Timothy Gallagher 

  • SD "Practicum in Giving the 19th Annotation"  MCIS by Sr. Karen Doyle and Nan Bouche

  • CME "Fundamentals of Cognitive Behavior Therapy" Mass General Psychiatry Academy (CME credits) 

  • CME "Stress Management and Resiliency Training Mass General Psychiatry Academy (Harvard Medical School)

  • CME "Essentials of Palliative Care" Chaplaincy Program. California State University  2018

  • SD "Adult Psychological Development and Spirituality: Ignatian Spirituality Across the Life Cycle" OIS Fr. David McCallum, SJ. Boston College

  • Certificate in Catholic Social Teachings - The Catholic Unversity of America 






Memberships & Listings​







Selected Presentations Related to Spiritual Direction 
Fairfield University, EGAN School of Nursing & Health Studies
Graduate Nurses Presentation
Being Known: The Narrative - Migitaitng Existential and Spiritual Distress in Palliative Care
October 2022
Diocese of Bridgeport - A People of Hope
"The Ignatian Ways of Prayer" Slides
May 2022 

Fairfield University - Murphy Center for Ignatian Spirituality

Virtual Retreat - The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

As one of several directors offering one-on-one direction

Monday, May 25 - Friday, May 29, 2020

Gifts of the Holy Spirit Retreat  Handouts



Office of Ignatian Spirituality

April 16, 2020 

Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself - Self Care in the Midst of the Pandemic (Slides)




St. Mary's University of Minnesota

Friday, March 6, 2020

Self-Care & Stress

Graduate Students, Staff, and Professors

Handout - "Self-Care for Body & Soul"

Slide Presentation for Self-Care for Body & Soul



St. Mary's University of Minnesota

Saturday, March  7, 2020

Doctoral Symposium

Answering the Call: Creating Your Vision as a Servant Leader in Serving the Common Good

Utilizing the Three-Fold Cornerstone - Human Dignity, Solidarity, and Subsidiarity For Your Decision-Making through the Virtues of Caritas and Justice

Handout - A Way of Proceeding Ignatian Spirituality and Catholic Social Teachings)

Slides: Answering the Call

Link to Selections of Publications & Presentations Given


Retreat Director

Disposition Days for the Spiritual Exercises: Retreats in the Everyday​

Moment by Moment Retreat


Study Material - Greenwich Hospital Yale New Haven Health





Selection of Presentations and Writings on Spirituality, Health & Illness Related to Chaplaincy and Spiritual Direction


 Spiritual Direction In the Journey of Illness for Spiritual Director Interns at Fairfield U


Experience and Theology of Illness for Ministers to the Homebound


Theology of Pastoral Care of the Sick and the Pastoral Visit  to Ministers for the Homebound





Selection of presentations and writings on Catholic Social Teaching for CAPP-USA and F-CAPP


Dr. Karen Shields-Wright, a member of Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice since 2003, has served as its National Program Director and co-Executive Director of Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice-USA. During her tenure, she directed and taught in their graduate-level Catholic Social Teaching (CST) Certificate Program co-sponsored with The Catholic University of America; convened and led in its Spirituality Initiative; and has written on and presented CST to various groups.  Moreover, she facilitated meetings held at their international conferences at the Vatican. As a board member of its Diocese of Bridgeport local chapter, she activated its internet presence, initiated the annual Educators and Business Leaders Communion Breakfasts, and led its first conference on the principles of CST. 



Linacre Journal: Catholic Medical Association

"The principles of Catholic social teaching A guide for decision making from daily clinical encounters to national policy."




National Council of Catholic Women Quarterly

Catholic Social Teachings and the Foundations of Dignity

Article 2016




Diocese of Miami

Science High School Teachers Annual Formation Program

Catholic Social Teaching Principles: At the Intersection of the Natural Sciences in Seeking Truth Serving the Human Person and Society

2016 (CALL FOR A COPY of the PowerPoint) 



Breakout Session

The Good Society and the Future of Jobs: Can Solidarity and Fraternity be Part of Business Decisions?

Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice International Conference

Vatican City State



Speaker & Facilitator

"What is Basic Health Care and Catholic Social Teaching" -

Catholic Medical Association Conference



Facilitator &  Reporter

Breakout Session

Family, Business:  Overcoming the crisis with new forms of Solidarity 20 years after Centesimus Annus

Fondazione Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice International Conference

Gregorian University, Rome



Presenter & Facilitator

Adults Faith Formation Program in Catholic Social Teachings within the Parish Setting: Through In-text Scriptural References within Caritas in Veritate

Diocese of Omaha

Annual Clergy Formation Retreat

2013  & 2011

(Copies available via email


Convener & Participant

Spirituality Initiative Project for CAPP-USA 



Co-Executive Director and National Program Director

CAPP-USA: Org Chart Spirituality and CST 



Program Director & Presenter

CAPP-USA and Catholic U of America Certificate Program Catholic Social Teaching

"Spirituality and CST Call to the Laity"

2008 - 2017



Selection of Presentations for the Association for Catholic Chiropractors - AFCC

Catholic Identity in Health Care

As President and co-founder of the AFCC, represented and presented at Conferences of the Pontifical Council for Healthcare Workers, Vatican City;  FIMAC 1997-2001; and   World Federation of Chiropractors in England, Mexico, France, Canada, Portugal, and USA 1997-2004


The Praxis of Practice – Spirituality for the Clinical Setting at The International Federation of Catholic Medical Association’s (FIAMC)  Scientific Symposium, NY, NY 1998.







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