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"I Am the Vine, you are the branches "

THE EXAMEN - Daily Prayer of Reflection in 'Finding God in All Things'
The Examen is a window of time for prayer, where we reflect upon how we encountered others in God in the everyday. It is a simple daily...

ChristmasTide Retreat:Bethlehem to Egypt to Nazareth
Continue along the Way of Mary and Joseph with Christ the King 10-Day Self-Directed or Directed Retreat Based upon the Spiritual...

To Be Known: God's Desire for Us
Healing with Christ in the Present from the Past for the Future These 8 God-given human desires are written in every heart and are basic...

8-Day Advent Retreat: Follow The Way of Hope, Peace, Joy, Love
"As the people of Israel waited for generations for the promise of the Messiah, we share in the long preparation for the Savior’s first...

Our Purpose and Destiny: Praying with the 1st Principle and Foundation
“I am created to praise, love, and serve God.” In beginning the Spiritual Exercises, St Ignatius invites us to first pray over the 1st...

Growing in Holiness through the Virtue of Gratitude: The Particular Examine
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is...

Coffee, Distractions, and Prayer
The Distractions and Dryness Recently, a directee shared with me her distress about experiencing dryness during her prayer time. She...

Distractions and Attention in Mental Prayer: Understanding Our Brains
Too many times, I hear from directees who say they have trouble sitting for an hour for mental prayer or almost any length of time no...

Mental Prayer in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius
What is Mental Prayer The practice of mental prayer is a time where we are with God in solitude and silence for sharing love in loving...
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